Learn why budgies are excellent pets for beginners and children. Get insights through real-life examples and essential care tips in this insightful guide

Budgies (also called parakeets) are arguably the most popular bird kept at home as pets. Perhaps they are also the best alternative of all parrots for beginners and kids.
A budgies size makes it easy to maintain, plus they’re less destructive than larger parrots. They chew, shred, and bite less than, say cockatoos, and will fit in a tinier cage with only a couple of toys available.
However, you need to remember that budgies are birds like any other and require a unique ecosystem and diet to survive. They will also need a lot of stimulation and play toys to keep them safe and comfy.
A parrot (parrotlet, parakeet) that does not have adequate stimulation risks developing psychological issues such as aggression and self-mutilation.
Now, in this post, I will explore everything there is to know regarding keeping budgies as pets please read on.
Are Budgies Good Pets for 10 to 11 Year Olds
Owning a pet give kids a chance to learn valuable life lessons as they care for them. Smaller pets such as birds, rodents (gerbils, hamsters, guinea pigs), reptiles (turtles), fish, cats, and dogs, particularly help children understand responsibility and dependability.
However, not all birds are safe for kids.
Large birds such as cockatoos, macaws, Eclectus, and African greys are too demanding, destructive, and aggressive for young owners, but budgies and cockatiels, which are considerably tiny, are perfect for kids.
The most responsible children can also care for parrotlets such as conures and Quakers, but you want to start by introducing them to budgies or maybe cockatiels.
Budgies make the perfect pet for kids anywhere from age 8 to 12 because they are not too demanding, are reasonably tiny, thus safe, and don’t need too much space.
A budgies cage will fit in your child’s bedroom without taking up too much space.
Another reason budgies make an ideal pet for a kid is the bird’s friendly nature. They are friendly and love cuddling and being goofy with the owner, especially if kept singly.
Less like lovebirds, budgies do not need companions as long as your kid is willing and available to socialize with him (or her).
Please note that as with any pet around your house, you’ll need to supervise your child’s interaction with the pet, both for your kid and the budgie’s safety and well-being.
Ensure the bird is fed on time, groomed, stimulated, and the cage is clean and kept safe for the birdie.
However, do not take away the responsibilities from your kid.
Teach your child how to properly care for the bird with practical lessons every so often. Sometimes let him (her) learn from mistakes and correct him where need be.
The only instance I would recommend taking the lead role (caring for budgie) is when your child is away or in instances where the birdies or child’s safety is at risk.
Perhaps, I would also recommend getting more involved when your kid’s budgie is outside, sick (or weak, such as when molting), when making a meal plan, and in other daunting situations.
Why (when) A Budgies Would Be A Bad Pet—Beginners, Kids
Budgies are, for the most part, good pets for beginners and kids alike, but as with any pet, they have their downside.
To start with, a budgies calm and docile nature makes it an ideal pet for new owners and kids, but it also means they fall prey to other pets pretty often.
Where it might take a cat the better part of its life trying to get to your cockatoo or macaw, it can get to your budgie and hurt it quite readily.
A parakeet’s small size also makes it easy to get lost in the house, and you may miss and hurt it if not careful. You might sit on it or lose your balance and step on it on the floor.
Another con is budgies are birds. They are not aggressive flyers like larger parrots, but you will still lose them if you leave your doors or windows open.
Their bird’s instincts will make them fly outside any chance they get, even if they are accustomed to living inside, and by ill fate, budgies are not like pigeons that’ll know their way home if they wander too far.
Your budgie might occasionally also fly into clear, closed doors and mirrors, especially if you have many of them in your house.
The other con of keeping budgies as a pet is you have to alter your household to fit the bird. For instance, you will need to remove (or limit) anything useable by humans but toxic to birds.
Scented candles, perfumes, bleach, and such like items will have to be used in moderation or avoided in your house.
One other conspicuous con of keeping a pet budgie is unlike a fish that will stay alone for up to a week, you cannot leave your birdie unattended for that long.
Plus, there are not as many places with bird sitters as there are cat and dog carers.
Please see this article on homekeethome for more insight.
What Your Need to Know About Budgies Before You Get One
Perhaps this sub-topic is crucial, not because budgies are complicated, but for the alternative facts thrown around in forums and what have you, with the potential to get new owners pretty confused.
The first thing you need to know is budgies are parrots and enjoy all parroty things and care.
Crazy most keepers consider them (parakeets) separate birds from other parrots like greys, resulting in less than desirable care and attention.
This fallacy also makes most newbies assume budgies are not as intelligent as other parrots, which is far from true. Parakeets can be trained and talk just like any other parrot.
The next thing to know about budgie is what we were discussing above.
While budgies arguably make good starter birds ideal for beginners and children starting out, they are not easy to keep (no birdie is). You will need to be dedicated to learning about parrots and their care and understand how much work goes into it.
Another thing is budgies are tiny and shy and may consider bold attention or play from the owner as threatening even when other parrots in the flock may love it.
The short of it, budgies are easily spooked, and their first instinct is flight.
The timid and skittish nature may also make them a little challenging to tame, requiring a lot of patience and time to hack. You may even have to work with your budgie consistently daily.
Now, I know the first three items are a little on the downside, but budgies also have a couple of upsides. For starters, they are pretty affordable and readily available in pet stores.
Their care is also not as costly as other parrots, though they are still hefty compared to other pets. They will need a cage, a balanced diet, and a lot of play toys, perches, and feeding stations.
The last thing crucial for all beginners to note is your budgie, or any pet parrot, will require vet care, which can be pretty expensive. Experienced avian vets are also pretty hard to come by, complicating things for new owners further.
Birds are pretty good at hiding their illness, and you’ll mostly know they are ailing when it’s too late and must see a Vet. So, even if you are keen, hospitals are unavoidable, and you must budget for them.
The last thing is the diet. You need to make sure you offer them balanced meals suited for good health and proper growth. Most pet stores will offer quick fixes, which might not be the best in the long term.
Therefore, extensive research on the topic and take advice from other owners who have budgies than from Tom from the pet store down the street from your house.
Thats all for this post, see you in the next one.
Have fun keeping budgies🦜🐦.