Dive into the enduring bond of parrot pairs and discover how they navigate the loss of a companion

Parrots are remarkably social and form strong bonds with mates, whether avian or human. They are also part of the few animal kingdom members that show some monogamous qualities.
However, parrots don’t exactly mate for life, at least not all types.
While most will stay with a single mate through one season, some will move to another partner the subsequent mating cycle.
Of course, when kept as a pair, they will most likely bond and mate each season until one dies or other members are introduced to the flock.
While parrots are for the most part monogamous, they don’t always mate for life. Factors such as the death of one bird may force the remaining mate to find a new partner.
Even so, some parrots, such as the scarlet macaws, are generally more monogamous, while smaller, common pet species like parakeets and cockatiels are not.
So, how comes parrots are more monogamous compared to other wild animals?
Well, the thinking is parrots need a lot of parental time to raise their chicks. One parent is needed to incubate the eggs in the nest, while the other collects food for the pair and chicks once they’re hatched.
For more insight on this topic, see the rest of this article.
Do Parrots Have One Mate for Life
Only a few parrots species, such as the scarlet macaws, are known to have one mate for life. Many species change mate seasonally, but many also maintain their partners for a long while.
However, parrots and birds are generally monogamous than other animals. A paired set will mate, nest, and raise chicks together until they are ready to fend for themselves…
…and once the next mating season rolls over, the pair will most probably mate again, assuming external factors do not get in the way.
The demise of one bird or introduction of new members to the flock are some of the events that may cause a bird to change its mate.
Having said that, it also depends on what you consider having one mate for life.
If you mean do parrots remain a mating pair as long as both are still alive.
Then the answer is, “it’s quite likely and happens pretty often.”
But if you meant “Do they remain a couple forever?”
In that, if one dies, the bird that remains does not form a new bond with a different parrot, then the answer is No!
Most candidates will get new mates, while some even form new bonds when their partners are still alive; break up much!.
What Happens If A Parrots Loses It’s Mate
As we’ve seen above, in the context of forming pairs and mating, most birds (parrots) will form new bonds with new partners when their mate dies.
But when considering how your bird will react to the death of a mate, it varies between individuals.
If the bird left behind has a strong bond with other members of the family, including its owner, it most likely won’t be too lonely, at least not for long.
However, if the bird in question had only bonded with the dead one, he (she) could really be shaken up. Your birdie may call for the other non-stop all day and look at you ironically with both hope and pain in her eyes anytime you come into the room. Almost like she expects you to bring back her mate.
The mourning period rather inconveniently also varies between individual birds. Some snap out of it in a few days, while others could take several months.
Some birdies even take up to 3 years before they warm up to another mate once her love dies. So, be very patient with your birdie and let her grieve for as long as she needs to.
Just like people, our birds will go through a period of grief. I would just give her some time to be alone with guidance and caring.
Are Parrots Sexually Attracted to Their Owners
As we saw before, parrots are very sociable birds that form a pretty strong bond with their favorite companion, whether human or avian.
So, Yes, bizarre and uncouth as it may sound, parrots can be sexually attracted to their favorite person.
It’s not ideal but it does happen.
Most times, a parrot will be aroused by you if you over-pet them.
Since you’ve already formed a bond, they consider you a mate, and touching them in certain areas may send the wrong signal.
Essentially, parrots consider tickles and touches under the wings, chest, and towards the rare end of their tail as mating cuddles.
Lady birdies may even assume a mounting squat with their tail and rare-side up, while boys will try to mount on surfaces or parts of your body like your hand and fingers.
While this behavior is not harmful to your birdie, it may keep them from forming meaningful relationships with other birds, plus it’s not ethical.
So, to discourage them, consider petting your parrot less often and only touch them in areas that won’t excite them.
Preening your parrot’s head, feet, and back (as long as it’s restricted to the upper half) is perfectly ok, but under the wings and rare end of their tail is a mistake and definite No.
Do Parrots Think Their Owners are Their Mates
A parrot’s attraction to its owners is not in question; it does happen.
But do they realize their favorite person is not a mating partner?
Well, let me just say, that’s a grey area!
Many hobbyists argue that parrots are intelligent enough to distinguish between birds and humans, but some don’t share in the same enthusiasm.
They argue since parrots are social, flock animals, when kept at home, they tend to become attached to their owners since there are not too many birds available to form a school with.
For that reason, they inevitably develop an attachment to their owners with very few ways available to show you this, including what seems like an attraction.
Nonetheless, whether a birdie considers you a mate or not, an inappropriate attraction to you is occasioned by how you interact with it.
Touches on some areas, as we’ve seen before, are much more likely to arouse your birdie, and you may want to avoid them as much as possible.
That all for this article.
Happy Birding 🦉🐦🦜.